Trampolines are such great fun but like many activities with advanced techniques there is a chance of injury. We want all our jumpers to flip safely with due consideration for others. We kindly ask our jumpers to adhere to the following rules.

- Wear only grip socks or bare feet ensure good grip.
- Empty your pockets and remove jewellery that may damage the tramps.
- Always watch out for other jumpers & allow smaller jumpers right of way.
- Walk onto and off the tramps
- Safely land on two feet or your seat when bouncing.
- Always follow all park rules and the Court Monitor’s instructions
- Only attempt skills or activities within your personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
- double bounce, wrestle or roughhouse.
- run, push or play tag.
- lie or sit on the tramps. If you are tired exit the tramps and rest.
- take food or drink on or near the trampolines. No chewing gum.
- walk on, jump or land on the safety pads.
- climb the wall tramps. Rebound off these only.
- Jump if you are pregnant or have health concerns.
- jump when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Everyone jumping at Flippin’Fun must have completed a valid and signed safety waiver. Those under 16 must have it signed/completed by their parent or legal guardian.
- For health and safety reasons we have weight restriction of 120kg on the trampolines
- failure to adhere to any of these or other rules at Flipp’Fun may result in the loss of your jump time. Thank you for always following our safety guidelines. We want you to have fun and flip safe!
Trampolining is statistically much safer than many sports –yet it’s still a fairly extreme sport…which is why we’re extremely careful about keeping our jumpers safe.
Our terms and conditions outline the risks and anyone jumping at FLIPPIN’ FUN is deemed to have accepted these conditions prior to jumping and the responsibility to follow them.
Our rules and safety guidelines have been developed to minimise the chance of injuries and dangerous situations, especially for inexperienced jumpers. Our staff will be enforcing the rules so please make sure you and your charges are familiar with them as we reserve to right to remove offenders from the tramps
Staff members perform daily equipment and maintenance checks to ensure all equipment is functioning properly.
Once checked in 15 minutes prior to your session time we will screen a video outlining FLIPPIN’ FUN’S rules and safety requirements to make sure everyone has the most fun safely on our awesome trampolines.
Our well trained FLIPPIN’ FUN Crew are always on patrol to make sure everyone is observing the park rules at all times.
Below are some statistics from the USA comparing trampoline injuries in a significantly large facility in a major metropolitan area with other popular sports:

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics Journal, “Survey of the Injury Rate for Children in Community Sports”, Marirose A. Radelet, Scott M Lephart (PhD), Elaine N. Runbinstein (PhD), and Joseph B. Myers (PhD), Pediatrics 2002; 110; e28; DOI: 10.1542/ped.110.3.e28
Source: Neiss Data Highlights 2012: http://www.cpsc.gov/Research–Statistics/NEISS-Injury-Data/